About Us

Halal Food Association e.V.

The Halal Lebensmittelverein e.V. is a group of young Muslims who have set themselves the task of helping other Muslims and non-Muslims in their daily lives to eat better and healthier. The background to this was the realization that we have seen large gaps in knowledge and undesirable developments in the daily lives of Muslims, especially in the purchase and consumption of food. Helping to close this gap seems very important to us, both from a religious and a health perspective.

To this end, we founded the Halal Lebensmittel e.V. Association in 2015. The association pursues neither commercial nor political interests and has been recognized as a non-profit organization within the meaning of § 52 AO since its foundation.

Our team consists exclusively of volunteers.

The Koran states:

“O people, eat of what there is on earth, provided it is permissible (halalen) and pure (tayyiben)! “ (Al-Baqarah/The Cow. Sura 2, verse 168).

Following the divine injunction quoted above, our association has set itself the task of taking a closer look at the terms “halal” and “tayyib”. What does “halal” mean in an Islamic context? As a Muslim, how can I recognize what is permissible (halal) for me? And is everything that is labeled “halal” “halal”?

On our homepage (www.halal-lmi.de)

you will find lots of useful information on the topic of “halal”. We not only shed light on theological and Islamic law aspects, but also delve into current ethical issues such as “animal welfare in Islam” and the excessive consumption of industrially produced foods.

However, as part of our association's activities, we would also like to address the often neglected concept of “tayyib”, i.e. the commandment to eat from the “clean” or “pure”. What does the term “tayyib” mean in an Islamic context? Does it merely mean material purity, i.e. clean food, free from dirt, faeces, chemicals or bacteria or other pests that could be detrimental to health? Or does this term mean not only material purity but also, and above all, ideal purity?

Project „Halal Green.Dot“

With our “Halal Green.dot” project, we wanted to provide Muslims with a tool for THE staple food for Muslims, namely meat, which they can use to find out quickly and easily about the origin of the meat and various criteria for classifying meat as Islam-compliant (“halal”).

With a lot of patience, perseverance, time and effort, we have therefore launched the “(Halal)Green.Dot” project for you and developed a free app with which you can easily and conveniently locate and navigate to supermarkets, restaurants and snack stores that have registered in the app via your mobile device. You can see which of these companies source their meat and other meat products from wholesalers who have committed to the transparency of their distribution channels by means of a cooperation agreement with our association. Using a traffic light system, you can also see whether and which of the registered companies regularly disclose their distribution partners. Proof in the form of invoices and delivery bills can be viewed directly via the app.

We generally refrain from certifying any of these companies as “halal” or “non-halal”. Rather, the app is intended to help you identify distribution channels for meat and meat products so that it is easier for you to decide whether or not to use the relevant facility.

The app is available free of charge for everyone in the Apple Store and on Google and is ready to use immediately.

You can find more information about our “Halal Green.Dot” project at : www.halalgreendot.com

Project „Amana Life“

The topics of ecology, environmental protection, nature conservation and animal welfare are highly relevant and are becoming increasingly relevant in view of the growing problems facing humanity. That is why every Muslim must deal with these issues.

The Halal Lebensmittelverein e.V. attaches great importance to the promotion and dissemination of sustainable behavior for people, nature and the environment. We are convinced that ISLAM can provide strong impulses for ecological issues such as sustainable nutrition, animal welfare and environmental protection and that the Islamic religious communities are of strategic importance here. After all, we are dealing with problems that affect the whole of humanity. As an association, we believe that dealing with the issues of sustainability can prove to be a bridge between cultures and religions, on the other hand, cultures and religions show that they are quite inclined and able to prioritize common interests.

Allah (c.c.) has created man according to a certain “fitra (nature)”. He has appointed him as the governor of Allah on earth “Khalifa”. The entire creation has therefore been entrusted to man. This principle is called “Amana” in ISLAM. The association has therefore launched a new project called “AMANA-LIFE”.