ISLAM and Animal Welfare

If the meat is “halal”, Muslims are allowed to eat it. But is that really all there is to it? Is factory farming and the ethically incorrect treatment of animals obsolete and what relationship did the Prophet have with animals?

Prohibitions and commandments?

The saying “you are what you eat” is so banal, yet so meaningful. When we talk about so-called “vegetarianism”, there are different facets to this trend. For me, it's the tip of the iceberg, the main content is underneath. Now for a Muslim woman, it may sound paradoxical to give up meat, even though you are allowed to eat meat. Consider that, according to Islamic rules, you don't eat pork or alcohol anyway, so why do that too? Why limit yourself when there are so many alternatives? Islam is not a religion that, as is so often believed, only has prohibitions or commandments, but a religion that encourages reflection, gives plenty of room for thought and always recommends the middle of all things. If you look at the life of our prophet, for example, you can see how minimalist and balanced his life was.

The life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAV)

There are many traditions about what he ate, how he lived and how he treated people and animals. It is known from these that he fasted a lot and ate little. In Islam, the body is seen as a gift and should be treated with respect. Only those who are good to their bodies can give good things back. The Koran also says: “Eat of good things that We have prepared for you.” If you apply this to today's world, you have to choose your food carefully in this monstrous industry. There is a lot of processed food, mostly industrially produced, genetically manipulated and much more, the listing of which would be a venture. After the emergence of so many diseases, the trend is towards a more conscious life. However, if we look back 1400 years, today's trend is not so new after all. The Prophet Muhammad (SAV) ate consciously and only enough to keep himself on his feet. He said: “The son of Adam does not fill something that is worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a handful so that he can walk. But if he has to (fill his stomach), then he should fill one third with food, one third with drink and one third with air.”

“There is no beast on earth and no bird that flies on its two wings that is not a community like you...” (Surah 6 verse 38)

Our Prophet Muhammad (SAV) was asked: “O Messenger of God, is there a reward for being good to animals?” The Prophet Muhammad (SAV) replied: “There is a reward for every living creature that is done good to.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah (SAV) said: “Allah has commanded you to be kind to everyone. So when you slaughter, slaughter gently. If one of you has to slaughter an animal, he should first sharpen his blade and calm the animal well.” Ibn Abbas (ra) narrates that a man laid a goat on its side and then began to sharpen his knife. When the Prophet (saw) saw this, he said, “Do you want to kill it twice? Why did you not sharpen your knife before you laid it on its side?”