ISLAM and Environmental Protection

Environmental protection - the Prophet's example

In various collections of hadiths, in which events from the Prophet's life are recorded that serve as practical examples of cases and teachings, there are many examples and statements that can be placed in the context of the environment and sustainability. For example, reference is made to the prophet's modest lifestyle: He is said to have owned not much more in the way of clothing than what he wore on his body and to have been very moderate in his eating habits. A conversation with a believer is recorded in which he advises them to use water sparingly, even if it appears to be available in abundance and the purpose of its use is a sacred one such as prayer.

According to other traditions, the Prophet encouraged people to plant trees and treat animals with respect. According to one story, he praised a man who, after a long search in the desert, finally found a hard-to-reach source of water and made his way to it again to provide water for a dog dying of thirst. Another tells of him reprimanding a woman who kept her cat locked up and did not provide it with food.

The significance of the numerous traditions of this kind lies in the fact that they provide exemplary guidelines for everyday actions, using imagery that is understandable to everyone, regardless of their level of education. There is also a large corpus of parable-like teaching stories from later times that take up ethical questions in a pictorial way.

One example is Ibn 'Arabi's story about an extremely crooked palm tree that was decided to be cut down because it could cause damage, whereupon the palm tree turned to a pious man and asked him to intercede with God. As a result of his intervention, it grew upwards and was saved from being cut down. The story can be read in such a way that turning to God saves an unfortunate person and outsider who cannot turn to God himself, but can do so through the mediation of another, and is thus protected from misfortune (death, exclusion from the community). However, it can also be linked to the question of the environment, leading to the conclusion that conservation and care have top priority.