Sustainability in Islam
Ecology, Environmental Protection, Animal Welfare, Species Protection

The topics of ecology, environmental protection, nature conservation and animal welfare are highly relevant and increasingly so in view of the growing problems facing humanity. For this reason, every Muslim must deal with these issues.

The Halal Lebensmittelverein e.V. attaches great importance to the promotion and dissemination of sustainable behavior for people, nature and the environment. We are convinced that ISLAM can provide strong impulses for ecological issues such as sustainable nutrition, animal welfare and environmental protection and that the Islamic religious communities are of strategic importance here. After all, we are dealing with problems that affect the whole of humanity. As an association, we believe that dealing with the issues of sustainability can prove to be a bridge between cultures and religions, on the other hand, cultures and religions show that they are quite inclined and able to prioritize common interests.

Allah (c.c.) has created man according to a certain “fitra (nature)”. He has appointed him as the governor of Allah on earth “Khalifa”. The entire creation has therefore been entrusted to man. This principle is called “Amana” in ISLAM. The association has therefore launched a new project called “AMANA-LIFE”.